Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Twist of Me :)

Kalumpang, there were we last weekend. Yaya, Qoe n Zule' ~ Pya, was back to casa on the same day, she has test on the next day n she hasn't finish her homework yet. Pity pya. But it's ok. We were doing much more fine without you. hehehe.

Aunty Jay, prepared us some fried mee, Mantap ouh!! Che Dah prepared us some sardin sandwiches. also Good one! we had this barbecue thing at Kalumpang. Aunty Jay bought n perap some sort of mutton i think.
Seriously, anyone of u, who have missed this trip, all of u are so rugi u know. hahaha

It was Estima Convoy.. About 10 Estima cars convoying on that day.

Sempoi abes la that day. We really enjoyed ourselves and hope I can join Aunty Jay's Estima team again :)

Had wonderful moment with Yaya and Qoe.

To yaya, i hope that this won't be the last time to see u before u fly to Egypt ouh :P Yaya is leaving this coming September. Gosh she'll be so far away soon. The best part is, Puteh, Yaya's boyfriend(fisrt thought why la si puteh jdi pilihan yaya, love is so bloody blind) will be going to Egypt also this August. hahaha.

act, the background is damn lawa. yaya la ni, xpndi nk ambek gmbr..view jdi burokk!! Boo yaya :)

owh no!! I look fat!! yaya's fatter n Qoe, u are so 'slim'

Captured by Qoe. Still I look weird n gemok. waa, this is freaking me out.
yaya's measuring the depth of the 100 plus ... it should be the volume la yaya

newly arrived at Kalumpang. See, byk brg ouh...

Give me the cameran keep ur mouth shut plss, everyone!! Intense seketika. yaya perasan macho!

Haaa, here's Aunty Jay, yaya's mother. so pretty and sexy ouh. hehehe. No offense ok aunty.

these are the heroes of the day, Amsyar and Azyriel :)

My Estima Team; convoy estima. First time ouh, I join this event. Nice one.

Pose plg xleyh blah. but still cute :)

That's all. Jom bukak pose :D

love me, myself n I

Sunday, July 25, 2010

in case i'm no longer here...

To my dear musuh-musuh ketatKU;

siti nur anisah musa
nur ainin sofia ahmad aminuddin
alyaa eleena kamaru lizham

you girls owe me a treat!!! Pls do so before all of you melayangkan diri to United Kingdom n Egypt respectively!!

call me zulaikha zulkifle :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fuhhh! Away for some break

...Here I come Kalumpang....

miss me not; zule' zuleX

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hello 22nd July 2010 :)


Here are some shots on the filzah's sweat 18. haha.

Venue: Sunway Pyramid
Time: after class(forgot already) *sorry*
Celebrated by; Zule', Nik, Fariha, Nolly, Nabila, Nurul, Ainaa and Huwaina

To my dear birhtday girl:

FILZAH RAZAK, you are old enough to be childish one.

birthday gifts from zule', farry and nurul

when it comes to the food, obv, zule' n nurul will pay more attention n be more serious

while waiting for the food to be served... Ladies, smileeee...


the best part of life, just can't live without the FOOD! *umi, it's a hint :p*

actually, Filzah didn't know that we were planning for a surprise for her. she thought that nando's was the treat for her. but, definitely, she was wrong..secret recipe cake.
funny thing was, that was Deja Vu act. It happened last year birthday party.
wtv it is, we really enjoyed ourselves n so do Filzah. well, it is clearly shown in our pictures...

daddy's daughter