Saturday, August 14, 2010

Single me, YES!

To all single girls out there, please go and get yourselves this movie. Superb!!

Sometimes, we might be searching for the one every second, every minute, even hours, months n years, and you don't realize that the ONE is there right in front of you. He/ She might be someone that you are very very very close to you.

conclusions are:

Just go with the the flow.
Just be yourself.
Dumb the LIAR!!
You don't have to find the true love, it will certainly come to you, one day *maybe*

ps// think on ur own.

happy to be single, yes, I'm happy,

Friday, August 13, 2010

ouhh, man! Again n Again

FACEBOOK, seriously you are disturbing me. I can't get rid of you no matter how much I try to do so. I'm just so into u

addicted enough;

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lorsqu'un grandi kid parle...

Je ne sais pas quoi d'autre dois-je faire pour le faire u se rendent compte que je suis ici, juste en face de vous. Je tombe pour quelqu'un qui n'a pas même comme moi, même un peu petits minuscule point dans sa vie. Souffrances quotidiennes à seulement watch et voir lui marcher droit devant moi, mais pas pour rester près de lui. Je vais mettre un terme à cela. je ne peux pas prendre plus. Pas plus. Mais comment?? Toute personne... Veuillez...

Je veux que vous, vous êtes le seul

tsk tsk tsk

dear loves;

I have this one small petite broadband which is NOT that BROAD.
