Today, 24th april 2010, Scottish is already 1 year old. Scottish is big enough already to have mate. but we still think he isnt mature enough( Do animals care?). so what, we love scottish so much. one n only Scottish fold in our house, so lovely. Scottish loves to sleep with us, on the bed actually(mengada bak kate my dad, kucing kaya). no offense, Scottish is flea free!!! vitamin is taken everyday without failed.
our conversation about Scottish:
Umi : Scottish dah besar.
Kak Dik : A'aa... But still adeq rase kecik ag.
Me : No la. He's big!!
Umi : Aaaaaa, why don't kte kahwinkan die?? More cats nnti.
Kak dik : With what? kura-kura???
Umi : Pe la. Bengal cat!
Kak dik n I : owh YES!!! ( excited nyer)
Kak Dik : A'aa... But still adeq rase kecik ag.
Me : No la. He's big!!
Umi : Aaaaaa, why don't kte kahwinkan die?? More cats nnti.
Kak dik : With what? kura-kura???
Umi : Pe la. Bengal cat!
Kak dik n I : owh YES!!! ( excited nyer)
then, that's why we have Chinchinla with us now! very energetic and naughty. dh twice dye kencing merata-rata. actually Chinchinla dh 'alert'kn kiteorunk, but then she's being ignored! so served us right lol :(
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